Brainstorming for Project 1

I really liked this student example of the project. I think the way she separated her head to reveal all the different roles or parts of her personality and self is really creative. I also like how the further up you go, the more the mood of her little clones starts to shift.

Who are you and how does your artistic practice reflect that identity? 

I think I'm kind of a chaotic person. I tend to be all over the place and never focused on just one thing. I would also say that I'm an ecletic person, in the way that I like to mix and mash different styles and aesthetics into something personal to me. My art tends to be pretty chaotic and all over the place. I like to kind of mash things together to create something that I find cool. In high school when I took AP art, my concentration was combining different parts of the body with various scenes or objects to try and explore the different functions that those parts could have outside of their normal function. For example, I made a snail out of an eyeball and an arm. I think that basically sums up the type of person I am. 

How does your presence on social media reflect that identity? 

I don't think social media reflects my identity that well to others. I don't post on social media as much as I like. It has, however, helped me discover various styles from all over the internet that I really like.

How do your friends reflect that identity?

My friends art just as chaotic and spontaneous as I am, if not more. A lot of them have given me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zones and explore a lot more and develop who I am as a person.

How do your values reflect that identity?

I really value spontaniety and being carefree, even though I tend to struggle practicing those things. 

Is there a difference between your internal and external self?

I think internally I'm more outspoken and frank with what I want to say or do, whereas externally I'm very reserved. I also think I appear more composed externally than I actually am internally.

How do you present an image that communicates your personality?

I think I can do that by taking images of myself and manipulating them to be more consistent with my personality, either through editing them or drawing over them. 
