Project 2 Response

  1. In what way did you change your process to make a piece that was site specific?                                       I didn't really have to change much in my process to make my project site-specific. I tried to keep in mind how my piece would frame whoever was viewing it and how similar I could get the frame to look like an Instagram picture frame. 
  2. How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece? If you did not feel challenged is there something you would do differently if you were to do it again?               It was definitely a challenge when it came to actually putting up the piece. I had a lot of material to work with which made it difficult to control in order to actually stick in on the surface. A lot of bubbles showed up in the piece because I wasn't able to properly lay it on the mirror. However, it was definitely a learning experience and I hope to practice more in the future.
  3. Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough?                                                                                                                                                           It was a challenge trying to come up with an idea that utilizes the entire space the work is in. It took a lot of planning and thought in order to come up with something that uses the site it's in to convey its message.
  4. Reflect on the critique and consider how your experience was different from the first: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specific about why or why not.                                                                               It was very helpful. They brought up a lot of great points such as how the piece should have probably been a light color or in a higher position, which I totally agree with.
  5. Please share any other thoughts.                                                                                                                   I really liked this project! I like how everyone's projects came out as well! It is really interesting to see how they utilized space to convey the message they were trying to express.
